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Scott Forbes is the author of Finding Truths: Hidden Secrets of the Human Condition That Will Transform Your Life and The World and the upcoming novel Earth Awakens (preview).

Nov 16, 20242 min read
72 Weren’t Tested and NO He’s Not Anti-Vax, Plus Casey Means
It’s always beneficial to listen to what a person actually says. All to frequently I hear, “I saw it on the news” or “I read about it in...

Apr 14, 20221 min read
The Blame Putin Narrative is Insulting
The narrative out of the White House is that inflation is Putin’s fault. This is flawed and absurd. The graph in the below picture...

Apr 2, 20222 min read
It’s Worse, Far Worse
As it stands. Hunter’s laptop is real. 50 former intelligence officers lied and said it was fake. They all lied. The Biden family,...

Feb 9, 20223 min read
Is a Reckoning Coming?
Lockdowns don’t work, masks don’t work, and the vaccines don’t stop transmission. Every ridiculous and draconian measure that has been...

Oct 18, 20212 min read
America 2021: Are you a Warrior, Catalyst, Follower, Apathist, Pacifist, or Undecided?”
Think about this. One needs a QR code to go anywhere and buy anything. Your social score determines access to certain services. If you...

Jul 9, 20213 min read
Controlling the World: The Power Elite
I had not clued into any of the following, until my 50’s. I was on the corporate “hamster wheel,” raising kids, and entirely focused on...

Jun 5, 20212 min read
Fact-Checking and Mind Control
People’s minds are susceptible to being engineered to believe anything is true when it’s false and vice versa. You think not? The US...

Mar 22, 20215 min read
Asking The Who, Why, and How
There are those of us who believe we are here on Earth at this time to elevate human consciousness, make life better for those in need,...

Feb 13, 20213 min read
Big Brother's Memory Hole
The memory hole in George Orwell’s novel 1984 is where all previously true documents and photographs get tossed. If you haven’t read...

Jan 26, 20211 min read
How will you judge President Biden?
How will you judge President Biden? If you haven’t given this any thought, how will you know if he is doing a good or bad job? You can...

Nov 15, 20202 min read
Our Reality: How to Start Finding the Truths
Reality is and always has been a psychological operation. At the most primitive level, reality basically means some group has force,...

Oct 11, 20205 min read
Walk Through the Exit Door
How many have figured out that they have something in common with Truman? A lot, I believe, and maybe hundreds and hundreds of millions...

Sep 23, 20203 min read
Improving Our Own and the Collective Human Experience
We seem to be experiencing a huge divide that appears to be causing more and more rage in some people. We see this in the destruction on...

Aug 23, 20202 min read
Exiting the Fear Programming Matrix
There is an ongoing agenda by the Controllers of society to keep us in fear. The more fearful we are the easier it is to control us. If...

Aug 18, 20201 min read
Victims of Deceit or Awakened
If you question anything today and think what’s going-on is crazy, just research Sabbatai Zevi and the Sabbatians, Jacob Frank and the...

Jul 31, 20203 min read
A Reckoning is Coming
I apologize to America for my generation and that of my parent’s for falling asleep. We had absolutely no idea what really was going-on...

Jul 28, 20201 min read
Panic on Display
One day soon people will realize the circus we are witnessing is just a colossal fraud played out in the news media with the agents of...

Jul 25, 20205 min read
Awakening to the Big Lie
As humans, we have the choice to believe and act how we choose—this is called free will. To be completely free, we must have the skills...

Jul 12, 20202 min read
COVID and the Trauma
The collective experience today is the trauma called COVID-19. The thought of dying or of not living as we once did is affecting all of...

Sep 1, 20193 min read
Who Controls the World and Do They Still Wear the Robes
According to Gary Wayne, the author who spent 40 years researching and writing his book, The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, "Rex Deus," as they...
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