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Scott Forbes is the author of Finding Truths: Hidden Secrets of the Human Condition That Will Transform Your Life and The World and the upcoming novel Earth Awakens (preview).

Dec 11, 20194 min read
Beyond the IG Report and Durham
A few days ago, I came across an interesting article in the Rolling Stone Magazine regarding the IG Report, which prompted me to write...

Dec 1, 20195 min read
Mankind is in the Grip of a Cult
“Either convert to Islam or die.” This was the choice the Turkish Sultan put to Sabbatai Zevi, self-proclaimed Jewish “Messiah” in 1666....

Nov 20, 20197 min read
Hillary and Alice's Looking Glass
They never thought she would lose. This is what has been said that Hillary Clinton supporters believed. The shock of her losing still...

Nov 17, 20194 min read
Bloodline Families and the Deep State
Every American president through Barack Obama but Martin Van Buren shares a common ancestor. What are the odds of this? How could this...

Nov 2, 201915 min read
People Have Some Explaining to Do on Ukraine
In this post, I explore the existence of the “Deep State,” using the example of the current Ukraine House impeachment hearings. My...

Nov 1, 20197 min read
Pagan Babylon to Vatican City
The Roman Catholic Church (RCC) did not exist during the time of Jesus Christ. According to historical texts, it officially came into...

Oct 15, 20194 min read
Fear About Climate Change Still Sells--Greta Thunberg Just Reminded Us
On June 22, 2007, former US Vice President Al Gore delivered a speech before a Cannes Film Festival audience, before the screening of the...

Oct 1, 20198 min read
Liberalism versus Anti-liberalism and the Trump Phenom
One of the greatest distractions and threats we experience as a society today is from those hell bent on anti-liberalism. In its purest...

Sep 1, 20193 min read
Who Controls the World and Do They Still Wear the Robes
According to Gary Wayne, the author who spent 40 years researching and writing his book, The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, "Rex Deus," as they...

Aug 1, 20194 min read
To Understand the Present We Must Study Our Past
It’s probably a fair statement that most people have a less than adequate knowledge of history to even recant the supposed events that...

Jul 1, 20192 min read
How Blocked are You from the Truths
Whether we are aware or not, we are systematically distracted from knowing the truths and, hence, our ability to create a reality based...

Jun 1, 20194 min read
Frankfurt School and the Impact on American Society
In 1923, a group of ideologues inside Western Europe started what is called the Frankfurt School. They are credited with establishing,...

May 1, 20192 min read
They Call It TV Programming
Watching too much television is bad for your health, not to mention wasting potentially years of your life. When one watches television,...

Apr 1, 20193 min read
Chemtrails...Yeah, Water Vapor
If chemtrails don’t exist, then why did the initial version of the HR 2977 Space Preservation Act define them as an exotic weapon?...

Mar 1, 20192 min read
EMF's, Health, and What About 5G
Electromagnetic pollution may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced in this century, all the more...

Feb 1, 20196 min read
Fact or Fake News
The news media is not a reflection of reality, but a projection of misleading information desired by others to become our reality. Walter...

Jan 1, 20198 min read
Neither Federal nor has Reserves
The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a...
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