If a man today isn't paying attention and constantly anxious and worried about the state of the world, he simply isn’t doing his job. Any man with a protective instinct should know just how bad things have become economically and politically and what potentially may lay ahead. After all, who doesn’t love his family and want them healthy, happy, wise, and free to guide their own path for the rest of their lives.
So, against my better judgment, I do look at my financial portfolio daily, watching the ups and downs—celebrating the highs and moaning the lows. After all, my wife and I have four generations on the “payroll,” including a mother-in-law. Yes, four.
We saw last week two big downs in the US stock markets and several good reasons why. In this current mess we’re experiencing geopolitically and politically at home, we have an absent sitting President, except on the beach in Rehoboth, so obviously with Parkinson’s or dementia, a VP who hid and repeatedly lied about Biden’s health to the public and is rewarded by party elite as the Democrat's candidate, a Kennedy Democrat shut out of the Democrat primary, and an ex-President about to be sentenced in NY state by a legal system with players hell bent on punishing him at all costs, it’s critical more than ever to be educated and very concerned about the future.
Unfortunately, one can’t get honestly informed by reading or listening to the news today. They’re obviously just propaganda arms of the Democrat Party’s “intelligence services,” designed to tell us what to believe as true. We’ll never hear from The NY Times, NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, MSNBC, CNN or similar that we have, in Kamala's own words about equality and equity, a “collectivist,” a “cultural Marxist,” or even a near “communist" running as the Democrat nominee for President. This is fact, not hyperbole. This is our USA today.
The propagandist role of the news media is well documented, even back to congressional hearings in the 1950’s, yet really hard to accept for anyone over 60 who grew up with Walter Cronkite. But to those far older, wasn’t H. G. Wells’ rolevand title during WWII the “Minister of Propaganda?” Yes, it was.
The reality is people are programmed (another word for brainwashed) to trust the news, and that’s a problem if one doesn’t recognize this as true. If one doesn’t even accept this as a possibility, then one doesn’t have a clue why our government has studied the topic so diligently, e.g., the work of the Tavistock Institute. For the younger generation, getting their “news” only on Instagram and TicToc, that’s a problem also. X, formerly Twitter, is a constant target of the “regime” in power, because it seems to be the only place to get all sides of any topic—truths and lies both. But, at least you can decide for yourself what’s true or not. God bless Elon Musk for spending $44 billion to preserve online free speech.
For now, Harris and her new vice presidential candidate, Tim Walz, will hide all their cherished Marxist positions—at least until November. Kamala has not done a press conference, since assuming her candidacy, and the news media doesn't seem to care, because they are in on the illusion. You can’t find a policy statement on her website. But, she has copied Trump in support of no taxes on tips. How original. But par for the course. The Democrats have never been the party of originality. These two completely manufactured and incompetent political chameleons of Harris and Walz will assume their temporary identities as “moderates,” as long as they can fool the citizenry and as long as the corrupt news media will clap along like trained seals.
Think about this. How is Kamala going to stand up to the Chinese and Russians, if she’s scared or incapable of doing a press conference without, as she has done in the past, embarrassing herself or saying nothing but word salad? How can Harris ethically continue to cover up Biden’s dementia and his inability to do his job? Isn't this a national security concern worse than anything imaginable? Yet, crickets from the Democrats and most Republicans. Isn't this obviously grounds for impeaching both of them? It’s all very telling, but not surprising, to someone paying attention.
My advice is to get smart on Harris by listening to her own words from the past. She has quite literally repackaged a version of Karl Marx’ popularized slogan, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” which is all about redistribution of your wealth, until all is equitable amongst the people. People like Kamala actually hate America and have a Marxist vision of how America should work. No joke.
Yet, here we are. Why the people even give Kamala a second look is perplexing, except that the media is so obviously colluding to hide who she really is, and most people don’t even question what the media tells them to believe. Just do a look-back to 2020. The media did not like Kamala at all, and in the 2020 primary neither did the voters. She's also the lowest rated VP ever, but now transformed to be the darling of the media.
The problem I see regarding voting is too many people look at voting as a Valentine’s card, selecting the person they'd like to "date," versus evaluating their vote as a chess move, selecting the person best for winning the long game for their family and the country—that’s assuming our vote counts. But most people think in simple terms.
Simple minds think that vote cheating doesn’t occur in our elections. Over 1,500 instances of voter fraud charges have been documented by the Heritage Foundation, which documents every case. Scott Adams says it best: “You would need to be deeply inexperienced in life to believe our elections are secure. You don’t need to research it. You don't need a court to rule on it. The system design tells you everything. Unless you are inexperienced.”
Back to my original point about financial markets and portfolios. Something not too strange happened in the financial markets over the last few days. I say not strange, because what happened was inevitable. We saw a huge selloff, with fears of recession being expressed. We have a Biden administration, seemingly without a Presidential rudder and with economic decisioning typical of this administration—always too late to the game.
The Democrats can’t nominate a Kamala Harris and say that she won’t punish businesses with more regulation and not raise taxes and expect Wall Street to roll over. She has said she would do so, and Wall Street doesn’t like the possibilities. Financial panics always happen when Governments over-assert their role, whether excess regulations, higher taxes, or politicians doing stupid things.
So, did Wall Street send a message that Kamala is not acceptable? Maybe. They're certainly not as concerned about “wokeism,” DEI, men in girls bathrooms and sports, sex change for kids, and putting Trump in jail, as are the Democrats.
Yet, to Wall Street, it has always been the "economy stupid," now considered one of the media’s hidden failures of the Biden administration. Therefore, it’s not a surprise that so many of the "smart people" on Wall Street and the Technology sectors are now supporting Trump or RFK Junior.
Jim Cramer of CNBC yesterday said, “If you care about your paycheck, vote for Trump.” I say, if you want to protest the status quo, vote for RFK Jr. If you want to give up half your wealth and ruin it for future generations, vote for Kamala. The EU experiment has failed. Why would we think it will work better here in the US.
When Democrats get their wish and start taxing unrealized capital gains, that’s going to make the last week of market turbulence look like a walk in the park. And, it will be likely worse than the Great Depression, making a run on banks look like childs play.
In conclusion, Wall Street never wants a financial meltdown or to even take the chance on an ideologically Marxist President like Kamala. That's totally bad for business and portfolios. Yet, Main Street, which should be concerned about a job and a paycheck, may vote for Kamala Harris, because “Orange Man Bad” or they were just plain suckered. Go figure.